Mõned mõtted ärevuse teemadel (ingl kl)

Eurooplastena mõtleme me kogu aeg, et meie siin oleme inimkonna kroon ja keskus – või äärmisel juhul Ameerika siis. Kurb tõde on aga see, et oleme asjast ikka väga valesti aru saanud. Maailma kese asub juba ammu hoopis mujal. Riigis, mida vietnamlased kutsuvad Tiếng Trung Quốc ehk otsetõlkes maailma tsenter ; riigis, mis on peamine USA riigivõlakirjade omanik ; riigis, kus on üle 800 miljoni töölise. Et Heldur Meerits nädala jagu tagasi ütles välja selle, mida oleks pidanud juba ammu ütlema – eestlased peavad hakkama õppima mandarini (või wu-d või min-i) et tulevikus hakkama saada maailmas, mida domineerib…Hiina. Mina veel ühtegi mainitud keeltest ei oska ja seepärast piirdun hetkel peamiselt ingliskeelse maailma avastamisega. Ja nüüd, andke mulle andeks, puristid, teen ma sellise patu, et kirjutan C!F!E! domeeni all midagi inglise keeles. Mispärast aga selline otsus? Esiteks kuna antud tekst on mul inglise keeles  juba olemas… veelgi olulisemalt aga seetõttu, et usun siiralt sellesse, et purism kui säärane on üsna kitsas vaatenurk. Tõsi – me saame kõikvõimalikke võõrkeeli suhu ja silma igalt poolt ja korp!-is võiks olla ikka eesti keelne ja eesti meelne. Need ideed on pühad, aga kas on ikka mõistlik asjaga liiale minna – lai maailmavaade on pigemini ikka vast boonus ja kui mehed käivad välismaal või suisa elevad seal, kuid samal ajal aitavad siiski me riiki ja rahvast oluliselt enam, kui need kes kodumaal pabereid ühest hunnikust teise tõstavad, siis see on ju ikka hea – et meil oleks, kelle üle olla uhke. Noored kipuvad pidevalt liialdustele ja purism on selles osas päris hea näide – tean omast käest enda tegevuste järgi.

Väike seik ketserlust seega

Some thoughts on anxiety

No doubt the human being is a social animal – that is why solitary confinement is after all often considered worse than capital punishment. The urge to have contact with other people is totally congenial, or if it actually wasn’t, we wouldn’t know as the mentality of some rare animal-bred children is usually twisted enough to make any research impossible. Besides, the one true exhibit escaped a few months ago from a Russian research lab. Nevertheless as Baudelaire so wittingly stated – life is a hospital in which every patient wants to change beds. While in prison, you’d only wish to walk the streets again. People on the streets are hardly ever satisfied with just that, though. I truly believe there to be a nirvana for all of us – but people extremely rarely embark upon finding such, not to mention getting there. So there obviously should be a quicker remedy to our natural congenial anxiety (as Karen Horney named it) or we’d all be doomed (not actually excluding that either).

The pill – or should I say in multiple – is luckily very much existent and though it comes in various prescriptions, the symptoms are often alike. I am myself an agnostic and hence would like to avoid getting burned by either the possible divinity or just cut by an Ockham razor, but let’s face it – religion as such is often just the supply to a social demand. And that would be thoroughly okay if the religious group conscience actually developed as would of a group at work or at a meeting. The problem here is though that these strings are very much held by various red and gray eminences – quite often the latter.

And any kind of mundane interference to our grip of the transcendent should be suspected to have a touch of lucrative interest – in worst cases all of it. Call me a skeptic but I find it seriously difficult to believe that the people in Jonestown or the ones who bombed Tokyo subway after Shoko Asahara are now in what they call the heaven, enjoying a well-earned nectar. Still, in their lifetime, their needless-to-say-very-much-mortal leaders still seemed like gods. Why? Because of their extreme capabilities to seriously preside over the paths of those in confusion. And in quantities. Having seen the actual footage of a Jim Jones service, I must say, I might have been converted, had I been there and had I actually lived a crappy life at the time. People tend to somehow lose their common sense in situations such as these. No wonder actually if what the masses want are panem et circenses and that is exactly what they get from such leaders. Besides: the last question to pop in an average devastated mind is whether something as conceptual and all-subsuming – no question actually remains unanswered – as the tutorial of a religious cult can really exist. It just sounds too good. In addition – with a little help from our mind the good talk actually sounds even better.

Cases of such cliché averments can be proved to work elsewhere too – or should I say everywhere. Even the top-notch scientists who worked in the Challenger team turned out to have been suffering from collective idiocracy. No wonder the hoi polloi is so easily influenced.

The urge to claim that a person works better alone than a group would is especially strong now. I would, however, be very narrow minded if I did that and therefore I won’t (besides, I’d probably lose my reputation with you – the good reader, which is even more important). In some (!) cases, though, I believe it to be a worthwhile thought. Coming back to our initial subject – would a person actually experience some divine intervention or vision and make one’s own conclusions from it instead of blindly believing someone else’s interpretations – or worse even phantasms – I’d claim any religion be a much fairer institution. God would of course have his hands tied with work as to make people believe in him…but I think he wouldn’t mind.

Going as far as actually reforming religion and thinking these dangerous thoughts, all the while being an agnostic myself!!! That is so me. The truth is, though, that I haven’t a clue whether there actually is a god, a nirvana, a heaven or even us, people, here. I’m just a small confused bunch of organics. As far as I’m concerned, the question still remains unanswered – what if Earth was just hell of another planet?


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